Improving access to health services & health education for all Khmer people
Welcome to The Remedy Khmer Health Project
A project designed to give health practitioners the ability to provide access to health services & contribute to the long term health of the most disadvantaged Cambodian people.
Our trips have been specifically curated to give you the most completely authentic experience of the country as well as giving to the communities that would most benefit from your skills. Assisting with local GP’s on medical missions to rural areas, working with victims of landmines, seeing the Sunrise of Angkor Wat are all experiences that you can have on our trips.
From where we stay, to what we do, to where we eat, each has been carefully selected (where possible) to contribute to social enterprises or NGO’s that are working on programs that help benefit the wider community.
Proceeds from these trips will go towards providing ongoing access to health services to disadvantaged groups in Phnom Penh & the long-term goal of creating a sustainable training center and clinic providing health services, education, ongoing training, and employment for the local populace.
If your a health practitioner, learn more about Our Story & Register online